
Facebook Marketing – Give your Customers More

I notice that many companies use Facebook regularly and are saying all the right things – “engaging” their customers with personable comments, providing them with information about what’s happening (“Come on in We’re Open”) – but this sort of marketing message doesn’t quite “cut it” anymore in today’s information overload/cluttered marketplace.

Here’s where they are missing out – they are treating Facebook as a standalone marketing communication channel.   They are treating this social media channel as marketing only and missing the bigger picture…

Sound familiar? then consider this:

Integrate and Link

You have the opportunity to integrate your social media channels into your business by providing a link back to your website (or better still, your Blog) to entice the reader to click through, visit your website and maybe even “share” that content with their friends.

Provide additional helpful information

Once your reader arrives at your website, you provide them with more… interesting and helpful content.

Engage your Customer and Sell

The result of this is extra traffic to your website, but even more than that, an interactive visit, thereby engaging your customer and adding value.  Ultimately this leads to trust and that potential customer is on track to become a true customer

MARKETING MESSAGES and lost opportunities

Outlined below are some common Facebook posts, the consumer behaviour that can incur, leading to a lost opportunity to drive traffic to your OWN website, remembering that you do not “own” or control the Facebook platform (case in point AirNZ’s recent hiccups with a Facebook-only promotion) :… Read More

The Impact of Social Media on our Communication

I originally had this as part of my blog post “What is Social Media?”, however I realised that there was just too much information and didn’t want it to get lost in the words.

Social Media has had such a fundamental impact on the way we communicate.

“We no longer search for the news, the news finds us…

We will no longer search for products and services, they will find us via social media”

But, It used to be that if people (consumers) wanted to find out something, they would look in the yellow pages, the local paper, ask around their friends for recommendations…

To find out the news or tomorrow’s weather, we happily waited until 6pm and tuned into the television.

To check our communications via email, we checked our computer a couple of times a day, or perhaps just every couple of days.

How has the internet and the mobile smart-phones changed this? – Instant communication, Instant information…. Read More