
Content is King! 10 great Content Ideas to get you started

Going back 12 years ago, I worked for Television New Zealand, in an entrepreneurial division that generated additional revenue from existing media content.  My manager would always preach:
“Content is King!”

Here we are in a very different business playing field, but the rule remains.

We now have this new tool called Blogs, still a relatively new concept in the business world of NZ.  It is short-hand for “Weblog” and is an easy way of presenting brief chunks of frequently refreshed Web content.

The Blog is the “Hub” of Social Media and for this, YOU NEED CONTENT.

Why?  Well, content drives the internet and your customer is looking for information that solves a problem, not a sales pitch.

Suddenly, we as business and brand owners have to take off our traditional marketing hat and put on our publishing hat, to create and publish content that is Valuable, Compelling, Relevant and Consistent to our customer.

Once we do this, we get it out to our customer using Social Media strategies – we have then involved our customer in our business…. Read More

The Impact of Social Media on our Communication

I originally had this as part of my blog post “What is Social Media?”, however I realised that there was just too much information and didn’t want it to get lost in the words.

Social Media has had such a fundamental impact on the way we communicate.

“We no longer search for the news, the news finds us…

We will no longer search for products and services, they will find us via social media”

But, It used to be that if people (consumers) wanted to find out something, they would look in the yellow pages, the local paper, ask around their friends for recommendations…

To find out the news or tomorrow’s weather, we happily waited until 6pm and tuned into the television.

To check our communications via email, we checked our computer a couple of times a day, or perhaps just every couple of days.

How has the internet and the mobile smart-phones changed this? – Instant communication, Instant information…. Read More