
Content is King! 10 great Content Ideas to get you started

Going back 12 years ago, I worked for Television New Zealand, in an entrepreneurial division that generated additional revenue from existing media content.  My manager would always preach:
“Content is King!”

Here we are in a very different business playing field, but the rule remains.

We now have this new tool called Blogs, still a relatively new concept in the business world of NZ.  It is short-hand for “Weblog” and is an easy way of presenting brief chunks of frequently refreshed Web content.

The Blog is the “Hub” of Social Media and for this, YOU NEED CONTENT.

Why?  Well, content drives the internet and your customer is looking for information that solves a problem, not a sales pitch.

Suddenly, we as business and brand owners have to take off our traditional marketing hat and put on our publishing hat, to create and publish content that is Valuable, Compelling, Relevant and Consistent to our customer.

Once we do this, we get it out to our customer using Social Media strategies – we have then involved our customer in our business…. Read More

What IS Social Media Marketing and How can it Benefit your Business?

Over the last 3 months I have immersed myself in the online industry and world of social media.  Because of all this learning, training, listening and participating in this field, along with my natural social tendencies, I do admit to forgetting that in fact, some people do not know what this term “Social Media” is !

You may have an idea that it’s something to do with Facebook and Twitter, but what does that mean to you? And if you are not one of the 500 million people on Facebook then you may be even more perplexed.

I have explained on a separate Page on my website, what I believe is a good summary of what Social Media means.  Have a read.

Then, consider this:

We no longer search for the news, the news finds us…

We will no longer search for products and services, they will find us via social media

I have talked further in my next blog post about the Impact of Social Media and the way its changing the face of marketing and communication.

If all businesses are in social media networks, and people no longer have to look for their products and services, your competition is even stronger…. Read More

The Village Online: Top Tips for Interacting with your Customer

I live in a “Village” – trendy term for a suburb with community feeling.  I love this.  I love the fact I go out and see people I know and can engage with.

Imagine if your business had its own village of loyal and interested customers, with whom you could interact with on a regular basis and share interesting information that you believe in and that relates to your industry.

Imagine if this “village” regularly bought from you because they trust you and know you.

As a business owner, I am sure that you know your product and service inside-out – you are the expert in your field – yes?  Well, you need to take that “know-how” and share some of it – people want to hear from you – their very smart “friend” who knows all about these things that they are interested in too.

Here are 3 Top Tips for Interacting:… Read More