The Blog is the Hub of a businesses’ communication and social media activity.
It is the space that you own (as opposed to 3rd party sites like Facebook) and that you can use to discuss anything related to your industry or of interest to your audience. In essence it is an online community.
“Blog” is still a relatively new concept in the business world of NZ. In fact 46% of major websites in NZ do not have a Blog on their website, despite the majority of them using them Facebook and Twitter as a marketing tool[1].
Where social media platforms can drive traffic to your website, the blog and its contents will keep them there and keep them coming back for more.
By building a Blog into your marketing strategy you will benefit from:
- Search engines like Google like fresh content and will reward your site with a high search ranking (especially if you use your keywords and post tags correctly)
- You can publish your own Content, when you wish and as you wish
- Your content is archived and always there (unlike a published article in print)
- The reader can interact directly with you by leaving comments and sharing the article on their networks
- Visitors can subscribe to your blog – and you will own that database… Read More