Flashmob Marketing

After watching Jamie’s Oliver’s Food Revolution the other night and seeing the Flash Mob he organised, I searched on the web to find out more about this “Flashmob” marketing technique and what it’s all about.

A Flash Mob is a true example of interactive marketing.  It’s where marketers create a really unusual experience in a really normal place, usually involving music and dance.

Obviously not the stuff of small-business marketing, but fun to watch: the power of the interaction of people and the ongoing “viral marketing” using YouTube.

This one happened just a couple of weeks ago at Heathrow Airport – it involved 500 people and was the basis of an advertisement for T-Mobile – what a great welcome home for some unsuspecting passengers!

Last year, T-Mobile also did something similar (but a bit more staged) in Trafalgar Square  which involved 13,500 people (I love the song, and the memories of London!)

For Sound of Music fans, I love this one too, from March 2009 (check out the number of views on the YouTube clip – over 19 million! – so its likely that you’ve seen it before!)

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  • Sandra

    Jamie Oliver did a great ‘flash mob’ cooking dance in his Food Revolution at the Huntington University campus. A fantastic way to draw attention to the amazing work he was doing over there, trying to change the way people eat. And so fun to watch!

  • http://www.ezlunch.co.nz Sandra

    Jamie Oliver did a great ‘flash mob’ cooking dance in his Food Revolution at the Huntington University campus. A fantastic way to draw attention to the amazing work he was doing over there, trying to change the way people eat. And so fun to watch!