The Village Online: Top Tips for Interacting with your Customer

I live in a “Village” – trendy term for a suburb with community feeling.  I love this.  I love the fact I go out and see people I know and can engage with.

Imagine if your business had its own village of loyal and interested customers, with whom you could interact with on a regular basis and share interesting information that you believe in and that relates to your industry.

Imagine if this “village” regularly bought from you because they trust you and know you.

As a business owner, I am sure that you know your product and service inside-out – you are the expert in your field – yes?  Well, you need to take that “know-how” and share some of it – people want to hear from you – their very smart “friend” who knows all about these things that they are interested in too.

Here are 3 Top Tips for Interacting:… Read More

Social Media Revolution

This is a great video to view to appreciate the power of Social Media and its place in today’s world.

The statistics are quite phenomenal.

You will be pleased you spent the 4 minutes or so to view it :)

This updated video, along with the original 2009 version, has had over 3.3 million views!

Social Media is not a fad,

It is a fundamental shift in the way we communicate

Interact! Chat, chat, chat

When I was a child at school my school reports would come home to my mother – all good grades, but always the comment along the lines of “very quiet”, “doesn’t speak”…  I’m not sure if my mother worried about this or just took it as my personality, but somewhere along the line, things changed!

I remember many late night phone calls to teenage friends, teritiary – told to be quiet in the back row, onwards to first job – talked too much… so it was no surprise that my career path took at couple of turns along the way and with all that love of chat, I went from an Accountant to Marketing and the Media.

From TVNZ Sales to my own marketing consultancy working, among others, for Auckland Zoo and Annabel Langbein, to active community involvement with fundraising and event management, I have had some great experiences (you can read more on my Profile if you wish).  And, from all this I have managed to pull together a unique set of diverse skills valuable in understanding how businesses tick…. Read More