Just for Fun
Always Connected
Here is an interesting infographic that highlights how people are always “connected” these days.
We are all relying more and more on our phones for more than just chatting – for information, accessing the web, checking up on our social connections, keeping in touch.
This is a humorous take on our reliance on connectivity, but on the serious side, it’s more than a Trend of the younger generation but a Reality that impacts on how we do business today. To ignore it would be foolish.
View the full infographic created by Online Schools here…… Read More
Flashmob Marketing
After watching Jamie’s Oliver’s Food Revolution the other night and seeing the Flash Mob he organised, I searched on the web to find out more about this “Flashmob” marketing technique and what it’s all about.
A Flash Mob is a true example of interactive marketing. It’s where marketers create a really unusual experience in a really normal place, usually involving music and dance.
Obviously not the stuff of small-business marketing, but fun to watch: the power of the interaction of people and the ongoing “viral marketing” using YouTube.
This one happened just a couple of weeks ago at Heathrow Airport – it involved 500 people and was the basis of an advertisement for T-Mobile – what a great welcome home for some unsuspecting passengers!
Last year, T-Mobile also did something similar (but a bit more staged) in Trafalgar Square which involved 13,500 people (I love the song, and the memories of London!)… Read More