I live in a “Village” – trendy term for a suburb with community feeling. I love this. I love the fact I go out and see people I know and can engage with.
Imagine if your business had its own village of loyal and interested customers, with whom you could interact with on a regular basis and share interesting information that you believe in and that relates to your industry.
Imagine if this “village” regularly bought from you because they trust you and know you.
As a business owner, I am sure that you know your product and service inside-out – you are the expert in your field – yes? Well, you need to take that “know-how” and share some of it – people want to hear from you – their very smart “friend” who knows all about these things that they are interested in too.
Here are 3 Top Tips for Interacting:
- Remember that interacting is about PEOPLE – think less about campaigns and more about conversations
- Make sure your content is Solving a Problem which allows people to perceive you as an expert in your field, and that it is Engaging, Entertaining and Interesting.
- “Always take your work seriously; never take yourself seriously” – Paul Newman… In other words, show that you know your stuff but don’t lecture about it. I have read many a time over, that the content we share with our customer should be only about 10-20% of pure sales pitch – the rest – that big 80-90% is just very interesting stuff that benefits them.
I will talk more about business blogging and content ideas, in a later post.